Egypt And South Sudan Military Agreement

The ministry said in a statement on Wednesday that information on social media about the agreement was unfounded. In statements to reporters after the meeting, the Egyptian president said the two leaders stressed that the countries of the Nile basin must reach a “legal and binding” agreement on the filling and management of the dam, one of the most controversial points in the stalled negotiation process. The ministry said: “The two countries, Ethiopia and Egypt, are good friends of South Sudan and are working together to implement the reactivated agreement to resolve the conflict in the Republic of South Sudan, particularly in the second chapter, which deals with security measures and contributes to the fight against the coronavirus pandemic.” We think this is another honest and shameful attempt by Egypt, but GERED is done, it is a reality on the ground. South Sudan is a war-torn country, which is plunged into a bloody civil war as we speak. To date, more than 1.2 million South Sudanese have fled the country. Ethiopia has more than 280,000 South Sudanese refugees. Even if, for some foolish reason, the Sudanese government has agreed to allow Egypt to establish a military base on its soil, it will make no sense, because Ethiopia and North Sudan can dismantle the government without such difficulty. The second big reason why this will fail is that the Chinese have huge investments in South Sudan`s oil fields and will not be ideally seated while one of their cheap oil sources will be disrupted. China will work with Ethiopia and North Sudan to overthrow Kirr`s government in South Sudan and replace it with a friendly one. Egypt is banking on a lost cause. It would have been better if Egypt had cooperated with Ethiopia, or lost more than the imaginary proportion of the waters of the Nile.

And President Salva Kirr could lose his presidency or neck if he attacks Ethiopia, North Sudan and China. Ethiopia responded by announcing that it would fund GERD itself with the help of the Chinese government. As for Egypt, it was a joke, and they thought it wasn`t going to happen, but when the Nile was diverted from its natural trajectory for the first time in history, the Egyptians panicked. They have broadcast direct threats against Ethiopia on live television and are threatening to stop GERED in different ways. The live television threat indicated that they would use Eritrea, Ethiopian rebel groups or unrest in the country by interfering directly with Ethiopia`s domestic policy. Shortly after the live TV broadcast, everything they wanted about Ethiopia happened to them. Egypt has been rocked by massive and violent protests that have led to the fall of the government. The army has taken over and the president has been arrested, and he is still in person.

Call it the arc miracle of the covenant or whatever you want, but the construction of gerD never stops for a minute. Today, they are trying to overthrow the North Sudanese government because the Sudanese government and the people of GERED are strong supporters. The Egyptians intend to achieve this by cooperating with South Sudan and Uganda. According to a report by the Sudan Tribune, Egypt is working to open a military training base for anti-Sudanese and anti-Ethiopian rebel groups in South Sudan, on the border with Uganda. Not so long ago, the Egyptian president visited Uganda and South Sudan. Two days ago, Egypt invited the President of South Sudan to Cairo to discuss the details of the overthrow of the Sudanese government.