Cupe Union Agreement

i. Childcare: due to exturing circumstances, a schedule may be changed by mutual agreement between the university and the Union, in consultation with the worker or workers concerned. 1.02 This agreement does not apply to part-time workers, temporary workers or students who work part-time during the academic year and/or students who work full-time during the holiday period, except under the provisions of this Agreement. Such agreements can be initiated either by the university or by the employee and are clearly documented by a copy addressed to the union. one. No staff member may be disciplined, suspended or dismissed without cause for rage. These disciplinary measures must be consistent with the seriousness of the offence. Discharge complaints normally begin in stage two. Staff members are informed prior to disciplinary meetings, clearly specifying the purpose of the meeting. Workers are informed of their right to a union representative at each disciplinary meeting. And whereas this financial assistance is limited to one purchase per employee for 24 (24) months, while it is employed at the university. the current language of the collective agreement indicates that the worker will repay the university in equal, interest-free increments of two weeks over a maximum period of twenty-four (24) months,The parties agree on an unprejudiced basis or precedent, effective November 1, 2017, the university will not apply an interest rate higher than the rates prescribed by the Canada Revenue Agency.

19.03.4 During an authorized WSIB loss leave, benefit coverage and applicable bonuses for staff and university continue for up to 24 consecutive months after the date of injury. The parties agree that this extension may be extended by mutual agreement between the two parties. 8.02 The University and the Union will meet to discuss related wage rates for new or modified jobs that are subject to the conditions set out in this agreement. If these discussions reach an agreement between the two parties, the sentence will be applied. If such a discussion does not result in an agreed sentence, the university`s final position will be implemented and the union may conduct its dispute in the appeal process. 2.01 Except in the form expressly amended by the provisions of this Agreement, the university has all the usual administrative rights to direct and control its staff within the physical resources department, without limiting action, to maintain the order, discipline and effectiveness of these personnel, by defining and enforcing labour rules and regulations. The university works with good management practices and manages and controls its staff fairly and equitably, while promoting the effectiveness of the operation. These rights cannot be exercised in a manner that is discriminatory or inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement. 31.01 This agreement will enter into force in its entirety from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2021 and, subsequently, year after year, unless one of the other contracting parties has written to the other party, within the last 90 days of the duration of the agreement, that that party intends to denounce or negotiate a revision. Notwithstanding Article 1.04, the university and the union recognise the importance of flexibility both for the reconciliation of working life and for the optimal operational efficiency of departments.

Both parties recognize that the department is required to offer the highest possible level of performance to the wider university community and that minor adjustments to the work plan, on which both parties agree, can lead to a favourable situation for the university and the worker.