Offering Compromise Agreement

Although many people think that since they have done their taxes with the official brochures and forms that the IRS previously provides, they should use the DIY approach to make a compromise offer for the IRS, DON`T. That is the reason. In principle, the IRS continuously trains its supply controllers to ensure the best interests of the government. The IRS is very good at putting pressure on taxpayers, and it really helps to have an experienced tax advisor who regularly deals with the IRS. They are less easy to intimidate and also know how to deal with these tactics. A tax advisor protects taxpayers` rights and provides them with the best possible solution, knowing that the IRS will not allow a taxpayer to easily write off much of your tax debts. You are legally responsible for the collection. A instalment payment agreement allows a taxable person to meet tax payment obligations (including interest and penalties) over time. The necessary monthly payments are agreed upon by both you and the IRS.

With a instalment payment agreement, the IRS must cease all enforcement activity against you, including any taxes levied on bank accounts, wage garnishments, and asset seizures. Collection activities must not resume unless the taxable person does not comply with the terms of the agreement or does not comply with his current tax obligations. If the IRS accepts the taxpayer`s offer, the taxpayer has agreed to fully comply with tax laws. In addition, all refunds due in the calendar year in which the offer is accepted apply to the tax debt.